About Us
To experience complete freedom through building a relationship with Jesus Christ
Enable freedom living to be apparent in the life of Christian believers daily.

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Our Church
We know God wants us to be connected and experience freedom in our CHURCH HOME and everywhere.
That is why as a vibrant, grateful, and relaxed community of people from various backgrounds who have encountered Jesus, we are passionate for everyone to experience the freedom in Jesus.
We believe that during your time with us, you will experience respect, care, honour and feel safe.
We are here to serve you and will love to know you better.
Our Story
We were founded in 1986 as part of the family of over 550 Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK and Ireland ministering in over 80 countries for more than 100 years. Starting from Lewisham, we moved to Southwark, then known as Elim Pentecostal Church Elephant and Castle, we worshipped briefly in the city centre and eventually settled at Benhill Road in 1990. Our name then was Elim Pentecostal Church, Camberwell and after twenty-three years in Southwark, we moved to our current bigger location, which is home to us, known then as Right Now Jesus Centre, Elim Pentecostal Church, Rushey Green. In 2022 we adopted our current name ELIM PENTECOSATAL CHURCH, LEWISHAM.
Our Goals
Communicate the love of God and the price paid for our freedom
Equip members for their life’s purpose and service
Transform lives through practical biblical teaching
Connect with like-minded people to create impact at a local, national, and global level